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San Bernardino Employment Attorneys

For over 25 years, Mesriani Law Group has been delivering unparalleled legal support in employment and labor law disputes in San Bernardino, California. Our experienced team of San Bernardino employment attorneys is dedicated to protecting your rights and ensuring thorough representation in your case.

We provide legal assistance to individuals impacted by violations of employment and labor laws. Our services include managing cases of wrongful termination due to discrimination, class action lawsuits, workplace harassment, and retaliation, among other employment disputes. If your workplace rights have been infringed or if youโ€™ve been wrongfully terminated, our legal experts are on hand to help you secure just compensation for your claims.

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    Award-Winning Employment Lawyers


    Contact Us Today at (866) 500-7070 or Message Us Online to Schedule a Free Consultation

    Benefits of Hiring an Employment Lawyer in San Bernardino

    Dealing with employment issues such as harassment or discrimination can be overwhelming. Thankfully, strong protections are available under the law to safeguard employee rights. Understanding and navigating these protections often requires the knowledge of an experienced San Bernardino employment lawyer. Hereโ€™s why hiring one is crucial:

    1. Resolving Workplace Conflicts: Enduring a hostile work environment can be challenging, but it shouldn’t compel you to leave your job. An employment attorney can assess your situation and suggest effective strategies to help you retain your position and protect your well-being.
    2. Addressing Harassment and Discrimination: Despite robust laws against harassment and discrimination, these problems continue in many workplaces. An employment lawyer can outline your legal rights and assist you through the complexities of the legal process.
    3. Negotiating Severance Agreements: For employees nearing retirement or changing careers, negotiating a fair severance package is essential. Employment attorneys can work with your employer to secure a beneficial severance deal that can facilitate a smooth transition between employments.
    4. Guidance Through Termination: Losing a job can significantly impact your financial health. An employment lawyer is crucial in ensuring that you receive fair treatment and the best possible settlement or benefits if you were wrongfully terminated.
    5. Pursuing Wage Claims: Under California law, ensuring employees are paid correctly and on time is mandatory. Wage violations can lead to serious penalties for employers. An employment lawyer can help ensure that you are fully compensated in accordance with state labor laws.

    Why Select Mesriani Law Group?

    Client-Friendly No Win - No Fee Approach

    At Mesriani Law Group, we stand firmly by our No Win, No Fee policy. This offers our clients a risk-free legal partnership and ensures that our clients incur no charges unless we achieve a successful outcome in their case.

    Established Record of Success

    Since our establishment in 1996, Mesriani Law Group has cemented its reputation as one of the most reliable and successful law firms in California. Our track record is marked by recovering hundreds of millions of dollars for our clients, which showcases the efficacy of our legal strategies and the tangible results we deliver.

    Dedicated Employment and Labor Law Experts

    Our team of skilled and experienced employment attorneys brings over twenty years of expertise to the table and is deeply committed to defending the rights of those affected by employment and labor law breaches.

    Satisfied Client Base

    Our firm represents a diverse range of clients and gives each claim the attention it deserves. The high satisfaction ratings we've received across various platforms like Yelp, Avvo, and Google is a testament to our commitment to client satisfaction.

    Multilingual Communication for Inclusive Service

    We recognize the importance of clear and effective communication which is why our team includes multilingual professionals fluent in languages such as Farsi and Spanish. This diversity enables us to cater to a broader range of clients and ensures that weโ€™re always ready to address your questions and concerns.

    Round-the-Clock Availability

    We understand the need for accessibility, so Mesriani Law Group is available 24/7. We accommodate our clients' specific needs and ensure that weโ€™re available wherever you need legal guidance.

    How Our San Bernardino Attorneys Assist with Employment Law Cases

    Choosing the right employment lawyer in San Bernardino can seem daunting. At Mesriani Law Group, we understand the difficulties faced in adverse work environments and against unjust employment actions. Our dedicated lawyers support your case by:

    1. Listen to the Intricacies of Your Claim: We take every aspect of your case seriously, no matter how small it may seem. From the initial consultation, our goal is to deeply understand and validate your experiences to ensure that your voice is fully represented.
    2. Deliver Honest Legal Advice: With decades of experience in employment and labor law, we value transparency and realistic outcomes over empty promises. We provide candid advice to help you grasp your legal options and establish achievable expectations for your case.
    3. Demystify Legal Jargon: We know that legal terms can be overwhelming if you’re unfamiliar with them. Our team works to simplify complex legal concepts to make sure you are well-informed and confident about the steps you can take.
    4. Facilitate Informed Decisions: Itโ€™s crucial not only to understand your rights but also to make decisions that best suit your interests. Beyond just representing you, we serve as trusted advisors that can help you to weigh your options and make strategic choices.
    5. Level the Legal Playing Field: Facing an employerโ€™s legal team can be intimidating. Our extensive expertise in employment and labor law equips us to level the playing field to ensure you receive fair and balanced representation and protect you from any undue influence in your case.

    What is Employment Law?

    Employment law forms the backbone of the employer-employee relationship by defining the rights and responsibilities owed to employees. It encompasses a wide array of workplace aspects including:

    • Compensation and Benefits
    • Work Schedules
    • Conditions of Employment
    • Employment Agreements
    • Recruitment Procedures
    • Termination Protocols
    • Training Requirements
    • Corporate Policies
    • Anti-Discrimination Measures
    • Anti-Harassment Policies
    • Protections against Wrongful Termination
    • Anti-Retaliation Laws

    While federal laws set the minimum standards, Californiaโ€™s employment laws provide additional safeguards and advantages, further detailing and expanding these protections. For any San Bernardino employee suffering from unfair practices or legal breaches at work, securing skilled legal representation is vital. Our attorneys specialize in handling complex employment law cases and strive to achieve rightful compensation for any workplace-related injustices.


    Californiaโ€™s Employment Rights Explained

    California is known for its strong stance on employment rights and offers comprehensive protections for employees and imposes rigorous obligations on employers. These laws vigorously defend against injustices such as discrimination and wrongful termination. Significant rights provided under California employment law include:

    • Rights under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)
    • Protections against discrimination
    • Safeguards against harassment
    • Entitlements to overtime compensation
    • Rights to sick leave
    • Enforcement of minimum wage standards
    • Protections against retaliation in the workplace
    • Defense against wrongful dismissal
    • Measures to combat hostile work environments


    Enforcement of California Employment Laws

    Californiaโ€™s employment laws are enforced through a comprehensive network of legislation and regulatory bodies dedicated to maintaining fair and equitable practices in the workplace. The key elements of this legal framework include:

    • FEHA – California Fair Employment and Housing Act: FEHA applies to employers with five or more employees and prohibits discrimination based on various attributes including ethnic background, religious beliefs, skin color, national origin, disabilities, medical conditions, marital status, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and military or veteran status.

    The principal agencies responsible for enforcing these laws are:

    • DFEH – California Department of Fair Employment and Housing: This agency oversees the enforcement of the state’s civil rights laws in the workplace and focuses on eliminating discrimination, harassment, and retaliation against individuals in protected classes.
    • DLSE โ€“ California Department of Labor Standards Enforcement: Often referred to as the Labor Commissioner’s Office, the DLSE administers fair labor practices throughout California and manages issues related to unpaid wages, overtime disputes, and retaliation claims.
    • DIR – California Department of Industrial Relations: DIR is crucial in safeguarding the health, safety, and economic welfare of California workers. They manage several divisions including:
      • Division of Apprenticeship Standards
      • Division of Labor Standards Enforcement
      • Division of Occupational Safety and Health
      • Division of Workersโ€™ Compensation

    Collectively, these agencies ensure the rigorous enforcement of California’s extensive employment laws and provide a strong system of worker protection and legal recourse.


    Overview of Federal Employment Laws and Enforcement

    Federal employment laws establish a nationwide framework aimed at ensuring fair treatment and equal opportunities in all workplaces across the United States. Major laws and their enforcement mechanisms include:

    • Civil Rights Act of 1964 โ€“ Title VII: This law is applicable to employers with 15 or more employees and prohibits discrimination based on protected classes like race, color, religion, sex, pregnancy, or national origin.
    • Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 โ€“ ADEA: Protects individuals 40 years and older from discrimination in various employment practices. This law is applicable to private and public employers with 20 or more employees.
    • Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 โ€“ ADA: Prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of employment including hiring, firing, promotions, and pay. This is applicable to employers with 15 or more employees.
    • Family and Medical Leave Act โ€“ FMLA: Offers eligible employees up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year for specific family and medical reasons, with continued group health insurance coverage.
    • Fair Labor Standards Act โ€“ FLSA: Sets the national minimum wage, overtime pay requirements, recordkeeping standards, and regulates employment of minors.
    • National Labor Relations Act โ€“ NLRA: Protects the rights of employees to organize, bargain collectively, and engage in other concerted activities for mutual aid or protection.

    These laws are enforced by agencies that operate under the US Department of Labor. The primary agency that oversees most employment related claims is:

    The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission โ€“ The EEOC enforces these federal statutes, addressing workplace discrimination, harassment, and retaliation based on protected characteristics.


    Common Types of Employment Law Claims in California

    California employees are shielded under both federal and state anti-discrimination laws, enjoying protections similar to workers throughout the United States. Despite the at-will employment doctrine prevalent in the state, California employers cannot dismiss or retaliate against employees for reasons that violate legal or ethical standards. Common types of employment law claims include:

    Employees who encounter such violations have the right to pursue legal action against their employers to address and rectify these injustices.

    Steps to Take if You Suspect Employment Law Violations

    If you believe you are a victim of employment law violations, itโ€™s important to act promptly to protect your rights. Follow these critical steps:

    1. Document Everything: Start by gathering concrete evidence to support your case. Record details like dates, times, and locations of the incidents, along with any actions or comments made by your employer. Collect contact information of witnesses and obtain any available CCTV footage to ensure all interactions and occurrences are well-documented.
    2. Report to Human Resources: Although it may be uncomfortable, itโ€™s essential to report the issue to your Human Resources department. This step creates an official record of your complaint. If HR does not act, this record can serve as proof that you tried to resolve the issue internally. Depending on the type of claim, it can be beneficial to consult with a qualified employment lawyer before you file an official complaint with HR to ensure you take the necessary steps to protect your rights.
    3. Avoid Direct Negotiations: Direct negotiations with your employer about your claims can be precarious, as you may be pressured into accepting less favorable conditions or waiving your rights. Always consult with an employment attorney before entering into any discussions.
    4. Seek Legal Counsel: Contacting an experienced employment lawyer is crucial. At Mesriani Law Group, we guide you through every step of your claim to ensure that you understand your rights and options. Our dedicated team of labor and employment law attorneys strives to help you secure maximum compensation for the injustices you have endured.


    Potential Compensation for Employment Rights Violations

    When your employment rights are violated, you may be entitled to various forms of compensation, depending on the specifics of your case:

    1. Lost Wages and Benefits: Compensation for income and benefits lost due to wrongful termination or demotion is common.
    2. Emotional Distress: If you have suffered emotional distress such as anxiety, humiliation, or psychological trauma due to workplace mistreatment, you may seek damages for these injuries.
    3. Legal Costs: Successful legal actions can lead to the recovery of attorneyโ€™s fees and court costs from the employer.
    4. Interest on Unpaid Wages: For violations of California’s Labor Code, such as unpaid wages and overtime, employers might owe an additional 10% interest per year on the amounts due in addition to significant penalties.
    5. Punitive Damages: In cases of egregious employer misconduct, punitive damages may be awarded to punish and deter future similar actions.
    6. Reinstatement: Although not always practical, reinstatement to your former or a similar position might be possible in some cases.

    Each situation is unique, and the damages you may pursue depend on the specific violations and their impacts on your employment.


    Investigating Employment Law Violations

    Investigating allegations of discrimination or other misconduct by employers can be daunting, especially for those unfamiliar with the protective laws. This is why it is important to conduct a comprehensive investigation into alleged employment law violations by the employer to support the employee’s claim in order to achieve a favorable outcome. During this investigative process, an employment attorney will focus on several key areas:

    • Witness Testimonies: We collect statements from coworkers and other witnesses who can corroborate your claims of employer misconduct.
    • Review of Employment Records: We examine your employment records for any documented issues that could support your claims.
    • Comparative Evidence: We gather evidence of how similar cases within the same company were handled to look for differential treatment that indicates discrimination.
    • Evidence of Bias: We look for any signs of bias against members of protected classes.
    • Consistency of Employer’s Rationale: We investigate any inconsistencies or changes in the reasons provided by your employer for significant decisions like termination.

    A comprehensive and detailed investigation by Mesriani Law Group ensures that all relevant facts are uncovered and effectively used to support your claims of unfair and illegal employment practices.


    Contingency Fee Structure at Mesriani Law Group

    Understanding that the cost of legal action can be a barrier, Mesriani Law Group offers a contingency fee basis to alleviate these concerns. With our “No Win, No Fee” commitment, you are not required to pay for our services unless we achieve a favorable outcome in your case. This policy is designed to ensure that all victims of workplace injustices can pursue their claims without the burden of upfront legal fees. Our confidence in our ability to deliver results means that we are committed to securing the best possible compensation for you quickly and effectively.


    Defend Your Employment Rights with Expert Legal Help

    It is essential to protect your rights in the workplace, especially against any form of unfair or illegal treatment by your employer. At Mesriani Law Group, our skilled employment and labor law attorneys in San Bernardino are dedicated to defending your rights. If you find yourself facing adverse actions from your employer, we are here to help you fight back and ensure you receive the justice and compensation you deserve. Do not let your employer violate your rights without facing the consequences.


    Schedule a Free Consultation Today

    Finding the right employment lawyer is crucial, and while you have many options, Mesriani Law Group stands apart from the rest. With over twenty years of exceptional legal practice, our team of dedicated employment attorneys is committed to defending your rights and guiding you through your legal claim. Start on the path to resolving your employment issues today. Call us at (310) 826-6300 or contact us online to arrange your free consultation. Let’s collaborate to achieve a successful outcome for your case.

    Contact Us Today at (866) 500-7070 or Message Us Online to Schedule a Free Consultation

    Employment Law Lawyer FAQs

    What are my rights under employment law?

    As an employee, you’re entitled to a range of protections under employment law. These include the right to a discrimination-free workplace, entitlement to fair compensation, safe working conditions, and the ability to take family and medical leave for qualifying reasons. You also have protection against wrongful termination and retaliation for asserting your rights or reporting workplace violations. Both federal and state laws support these rights to foster a just and equitable work environment.

    Can I sue my employer for treating me unfairly?

    You can initiate legal action against your employer if their actions constitute unfair treatment under employment laws like discrimination, harassment, or retaliation. It is critical to document all instances of unfair treatment and first attempt to resolve these issues internally. If these measures fail to address the issues, itโ€™s advisable to consult an employment attorney who can evaluate your case and discuss potential legal steps.

    How can I successfully sue my employer?

    To successfully sue your employer, you need to prove that they have breached specific employment laws or the terms of your employment agreement. Collecting thorough documentation of all relevant incidents, securing statements from witnesses, and retaining any pertinent communications are vital steps. Partnering with a competent employment attorney is also essential, as they can help navigate the complexities of legal proceedings, construct a compelling case, and advocate effectively on your behalf in court.

    Is it possible to take legal action against my employer?

    If your employer has engaged in actions that violate employment laws like discrimination, harassment, wrongful termination, or contract breaches, you have the right to take legal action. It is important to thoroughly document all incidents and initially seek to resolve them internally if possible. Consulting with an employment attorney is crucial to assess your situation, clarify your legal rights, and determine the viability of your case.

    Absolutely No Fee Unless We Win Your Case

    Mesriani Law Group has over two decades of experience in protecting victims of personal injury accidents as well as employment and labor law violations in California.

    Through our wealth of experience, we understand that the main reason why victims of accidents or of unjust treatment by employers are hesitant to file cases or claim damages against the parties at fault, and this is because of the high legal fees.

    In order to resolve this matter and help more people get the best compensation they deserve against the people who caused their injuries, pain and suffering and losses, we decided to offer a No Win No Fee guarantee to all our clients. This means that you donโ€™t have to pay us anything for our top legal services, regardless of the complexities of your claims, if we are not able to provide you with the justice you deserve.

    We offer this because we are confident that our experience, expertise and dedication will always translate in getting the maximum compensation you deserve at the swiftest possible time. Call our top personal injury attorneys right away for your personal injury accidents or our best employment and labor law attorneys in California for any employee related concerns and weโ€™ll assure you of nothing but the best legal service and personalized client care you deserve.

    What Our Clients Have To Say

    I cannot emphasize enough the level of their professionalism and effectiveness. It was great working with Rodney and the whole team at the Mesriani Law Group. The compensation they got me was more than I expected. I highly recommend them. With the Mesriani Law Group you’ll be in the right hands when you have an accident. They’ll take care of your case like no one else and get the maximum that you deserve.

    George Yadegar

    After contacting many different lawyers and law firms to discuss my legal issue, I was lucky enough to come across Mesriani Law Group. They took the time to listen to all the details of my case patiently & kept me updated through out the process on a regular basis. His team was very responsive and accessible both via email and phone. Rodney Mesriani and his team did a fantastic job. Let me add that Cory, Stephan and Brandon were very helpful along the way.
    Highly recommend this law firm.

    Ali Daneshgar

    My insurance gave me the run around for a horrible car accident I was involved in. I was getting so frustrated until i contacted Rodney and his team. Not only was his staff super professional, they actually cared and followed up with me. My case has been settled and I couldn’t be happier. Hopefully I don’t get into any more accidents but if I do, I know where to go. Thanks for having my back Rodney!!!

    Maya R.

    Award-Winning Employment Lawyers



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